Cookie policy

INFORMATION ABOUT COOKIES Cookies are information that often contains a unique, anonymous identification code.

They are sent to the browser by the web server and automatically stored on the user's computer hard drive.

If you visit the website again, the cookies are read again and recognized by the website that sent them.

They are primarily needed to make websites work or better, and to provide business and marketing information to the website owner. The cookies used on our website are based on categories developed by the International Chamber of Commerce.

In particular:

  1. Strictly Necessary Cookies: These are necessary to enable you to browse our website and use its various features. Without them, it is impossible to use the search, compare or make purchases or any other services available on the website. These cookies do not collect information about you that can be used for marketing purposes or to track your online movements. These cookies must be set in order to use the website. If you block them, the website will not work. It is not necessary to enable these cookies, as they are necessary to provide the requested services.
  2. Performance cookies: They collect information about the use of websites, pages visited and any errors that may occur during operation. We also use these cookies to identify the site from which you have reached our website. These cookies do not collect information that could identify your computer. All information collected is anonymous and is used to help us improve the website. Therefore, our cookies do not contain personal data. On rare occasions, some of these cookies are managed by third parties on our behalf. However, they are not allowed to use them for the various purposes listed so far. If you use our website, you accept the use of these cookies. If they are blocked, we cannot guarantee that our website will work properly.
  3. Performance cookies: These are essential to make your experience on the website easier, they remember the settings you have chosen and provide you with personalized features. You accept the use of these cookies if you choose personalized settings and options. In some cases, we may allow advertisers or third parties to add cookies to our website in order to offer you personalized content or services. In any case, if you use our website, you accept the use of these cookies. If they are blocked, we cannot guarantee that our website will work properly.
  4. Targeting cookies: These are used to collect useful information to show you specific ads that are of interest to you. These cookies allow you to share our website and like it on social networks such as Facebook. The duration of our cookies may vary. In particular, there are session cookies: that is, cookies that are valid for only one search or web surfing session and disappear when the browser is closed; and persistent cookies of varying duration. The maximum duration of some cookies in the second category is 5 years. Due to the structure of our website, if you block cookies, you will not be able to use it or order our services. However, we inform you that there are various ways to manage cookies. By changing your browser settings, you can block cookies or receive warnings before you accept them. You can delete all cookies installed in your browser's cookies folder. Each browser has its own way of managing settings.

Here are specific instructions for each browser:

If you don't use any of these browsers, you can use the "Help" feature to find out where to find these settings.