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QUESTION, plumber near me, plumbing, north shore, northwest suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, clogged drain, sewer, hot water, emergency plumbing, installation, repair, Smart Housing Systems, hvac, contractor, license plumber


Yes, tankless water heaters generally have a higher upfront cost compared to traditional water heaters. However, their energy efficiency can result in lower utility bills over time, potentially offsetting the initial investment.


Yes, tankless water heaters provide a continuous supply of hot water because they heat water on-demand. However, the flow rate is limited, so if multiple hot water outlets are used simultaneously, the supply may be reduced.


Yes, it is possible to switch from a traditional water heater to a tankless water heater. However, it may require additional modifications to your plumbing and electrical systems. Consulting with a professional plumber or contractor is recommended.


Tankless water heaters can be suitable for large households, but it's important to ensure that you choose a unit with an appropriate flow rate and capacity to meet your hot water demands. A professional can help determine the right size for your household


Hydro jetting is a method used to clean and clear sewer lines by using high-pressure water streams. It involves inserting a specialized nozzle into the pipe, which releases pressurized water to remove blockages and debris.


Hydro jetting is recommended when other methods, such as snaking or chemical drain cleaners, fail to resolve persistent clogs or blockages. It is effective for clearing tree root infiltration, grease buildup, mineral deposits, or accumulated debris in sewer lines.


Hydro jetting is generally safe for most types of plumbing pipes, including PVC, cast iron, and galvanized steel. However, older or damaged pipes may be more vulnerable to the high-pressure water, so it's important to consult with a professional plumber to assess the condition of your pipes before hydro jetting.


The duration of hydro jetting can vary depending on the length and condition of the sewer line. In general, it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours to complete the process. Factors such as blockage severity and accessibility may also impact the timeframe.


When performed by a trained professional, hydro jetting should not cause damage to properly installed and maintained sewer lines. However, if the pipes are old, corroded, or weakened, there is a slight risk of damage. It is important to hire a reputable plumber with experience in hydro jetting.


The frequency of hydro jetting depends on various factors, including the age of your plumbing system, the frequency of clogs or blockages, and the condition of your sewer lines. Generally, it may be recommended every 1-5 years as a preventive measure or as needed.

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